

Kaxton Siu2
Dr Kaxton Y. K. SIU
Acting Director
Associate Professor, Department of Sociology


Dr Kaxton SIU researches comparative labor studies, migration studies, urban sociology, and youth studies. He also specializes in Chinese society, Hong Kong society, Vietnamese society, Japanese society, and Cambodian society. He has published extensively in international peer-reviewed journals, such as Politics and SocietyJournal of Social Issues, The China JournalCritical Asian StudiesYouth and SocietyJournal of Youth StudiesJournal of Contemporary Asia, and British Journal of Social Work. Dr Siu’s book, Chinese Migrant Workers and Employer Domination: Comparisons with Hong Kong and Vietnam, was published by Palgrave Macmillan in 2020. His latest book written in collaboration with Professor Stephen WK Chiu, Hong Kong Society: High-Definition Stories beyond the Spectacle of East-Meets-West, has been published in 2022 in Palgrave Macmillan’s Hong Kong Studies Series. He is currently working as principal investigator on two research projects that investigate Chinese investors in Vietnam and Cambodia and their impact on industrial relations systems and labor standards, and Chinese and Vietnamese industrial trainees in Japan. Since 2022, Dr Siu is serving as one of the associate directors of David C. Lam Institute for East-West Studies (LEWI), Hong Kong Baptist University. Dr Siu received his PhD from the Australia National University. He obtained his MPhil and BSc from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.